1. Create An Account For ESC Works

  • Go to our home page:
  • Click on ESC Works Workshop Registration (or click here )
  • Click on “Sign In”
  • Type in your E-mail address (Be sure you type it in correctly - this is how you will access your account.)
  • Click "Click Here to Create a New Account".
  • Fill in your personal information and then create your password (We suggest something easy to remember.)
  • Confirm Password, Save Record
  • Click on Search, then Calendar of Sessions to choose the workshop(s) you wish to attend
  • Under the title Search: Calendar of Sessions there are drop down menus for choosing the Cooperative where you wish to attend. Under that is a drop down menu for the month you want to search.
  • When you find the workshop you want to register for, click on it and it will bring up the details about the workshop. Click on the Register on the right.
  • You may choose other workshops at this time. When you are finished, click on “Check Out” then “Complete Check Out”
  • You will receive an E-mail confirmation you are registered for the workshop(s).

2. To Cancel a Workshop Registration

  • Log in to your account in ESC Work.
  • Click on Shoebox
  • Click on Registration Certificate.
  • View your upcoming events
  • Click 'Cancel Registration' on the appropriate event
  • You will receive an E-mail confirming your cancellation

3. Add events to your Shoebox

  • Log in to your account
  • Click Shoebox
  • Click Transcript
  • Click Manage Transcript
  • Enter appropriate information for the event you attended
  • NOTE: The date must be entered a particular way. Click on the calendar icon to select the correct date if possible.
  • Click Add Credit

4. Problems

Contact Karen Osborn (501-882-5467) or Angie Quinn (501-882-8614).


All workshop descriptions are available at Updates about cancellations, room changes and any new workshops will be available online. Please check for updates before attending.

Notice to Educators outside our co-op area: The schools in the WDMESC area support our professional development activities through their school budgets. Therefore, we must give priority to teachers from our area and restrict registrations outside our area on a "space available" basis only. If a workshop is full, your registration may be cancelled to allow a teacher from the co-op area to attend.


All registrations must be done ONLINE.


All registration fees must be received before you will be registered for a workshop. A check, money order or purchase order should be received no less than 5 days prior to workshop. Make checks/MOs/POs payable to WDMESC and include participant’s name and school district, date and title of workshop. Send one check or purchase order for each workshop. Registration is not complete until the appropriate fee has been received. No credit will be given for workshop until payment is received.


If a workshop does not make due to low registration, the session will be cancelled and the registered participants will be notified by E-MAIL. Cancellations will also be posted on our website. Those participants will have additional time to register for other workshops which still have open slots.

Participants may cancel their registrations ONLINE up to 25 hours prior to scheduled workshop. After that, participants will have to contact the Co-op to be taken out of the workshop. Administrators may be notified of participants registering and not attending workshops. No refunds of personal payment will be given.


When you register ONLINE you will automatically receive an email stating the workshop(s) for which you registered. You may also check your shoebox to view registrations.


36 hours of staff development is required for each certified staff member employed within a district. Of these 36 hours, a minimum of 18 hours must be directly connected to the attendee's Professional Growth Plan. The building administration for each campus must make approval of staff development hours. In order to meet teacher certification requirements, staff development must meet the following 3 guidelines:

  • Tied to the district ACSIP Plan
  • Tied to the individual teacher professional growth plan
  • Tied to direct student achievement for content area(s) currently teaching


After completion of workshop, your ONLINE transcript with credit hours will be available. To print your individual transcript you must log into your shoebox.


Why do I have to register online? All persons attending any workshop, meeting, or in-service at the Wilbur Mills Education Service Co-op must pre-register online. This helps to ensure that there is adequate space available, handouts, etc. You do not have to wait on us to get registered for a workshop; you can do this anytime that you can get to the Internet. This also gives you professional staff development in-service hours, which you have access to online at any time.

Can I call in my registration? No. You must register online. However, if you encounter a problem or error message, please call the co-op at 501-882-5467 to help correct the problem and walk you through registration.

What if I have created more than one account? You will have to choose one email address to use. Please contact the co-op for assistance in this matter. If you do not contact the co-op and we discover you have two accounts, they will be merged into one using your school email address as your login.

Can I register through someone else’s name or account? No. The account that you register under is who will show up as registered online. You must register for any in-service under your own account in order for you to receive professional development credit.

What if I forgot my password? You can call the co-op to change your password. You will need to verify some information, and then we can change your password.

How do I search for a workshop? All correspondence regarding workshops should have an event ID number listed. To search by keywords or name, go to the ESC Works Search Menu. Ensure that Wilbur D. Mills Education Service Cooperative is selected on the second line, and type your search criteria on the line above where the co-op in now listed. We have found that the fewer words you use the better. For example: If you are looking for “Child Nutrition”, type in “Child” as key word. This will give you a listing of all available workshops that contain the word child.

Can I “show up” at a workshop without registering? Please do not come to a workshop you have not registered for. We will only be prepared to accommodate the people that have pre-registered. Pre-registering is required to schedule adequate space and have handouts prepared.

How do I show my documentation for a workshop that I attended? To print your documentation of workshops attended, you will need to go to your “Shoebox”. Click on “Transcripts”, enter date parameters you want to view. It should display your credit hours in Adobe Acrobat and be available to print. Please allow at least one week after you attend the workshop for hours to be posted to account.

Check your e-mail during the summer for any correspondence that may have been sent to you regarding workshops for which you are registered.